
A Quality, Individualized Education
in a Nurturing Christian Environment
Like all non-profit independent schools, Harbor Christian Schools depends on donations and grants to support the school's mission and work. Tuition does not cover the cost of educating a student at HCS. We rely on the generosity of our families, alumni, grandparents and others to fund approximately 30 percent of our operating expenses each year.
HCS is incorporated as a nonprofit organization governed by a board of directors. As an independent school, HCS receives no tax or religious support. It depends upon tuition, fees and donations in order to balance its operating budget. We invite all members of the HCS community to participate by contributing at any level. This voluntary financial support affirms a partnership with the school to provide the best educational opportunities for our students.
All gifts to Harbor Christian Schools are tax-deductible as allowable by law (Tax ID No. 75-3083396).
Mailing Address:
Harbor Christian Schools
Advancement Office
P.O. Box 2135
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Phone: (253) 857-6242
Tel: 253-857-6242
Fax: 253-857-6717
P. O. Box 2135
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Through a variety of annual giving programs throughout the year, HCS attempts to close the gap between the true cost of education and tuition. These generous contributions are received through a variety of activities and programs conducted by the Advancement Office:
Annual Appeal
Major Gifts
Alumni Relations
Annual Gala/Auction
With the need for financial help growing every year, our commitment to limited tuition increases and keeping HCS accessible to as many students and families as possible, our long term growth in our HCS High School Foundation is a priority. A great way to help insure the future of HCS is to create an endowment fund to benefit the school. A strong endowment at HCS will ensure that we carry forth the mission of the school in perpetuity. Interest from the endowment helps meet the challenge of maintaining affordability and tuition reduction annually. The income from gifts may be designated for a variety of purposes. A named endowment fund may also be established with a minimum gift of $10,000. Behind each of these gifted funds is a strong commitment to HCS’s future. Whether created in honor of an inspiring teacher, in memory of a loved one or in response to a particular need of the school, these funds share a common act of leaving a legacy at HCS.
Looking to the future, another significant way in which one can make an impact on HCS is to consider HCS as a beneficiary in their estate planning. For organizations like HCS, this can be one of the most significant ways in which one can provide long term resources to an organization’s mission. Donors can include HCS in their wills, trusts, insurance policies or other forms of estate planning. The following gifts may create an opportunity to avoid capital gains tax and reduce income tax by creating an opportunity to receive a charitable deduction for your gift.
A gift of your securities held long term, is an easy way for you to make a gift of your appreciated securities, and avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due on your gain if you sold these assets. Here are some of the potential benefits:
Avoid paying capital gains tax.
Receive a charitable income tax deduction.
Enjoy possible increased income.
Further our mission today!
Gifts of Retirement Assets. A gift of your retirement assets, such as a gift from your IRA, 401K, 403b, pension or other tax deferred plan, is an excellent way to make a gift. Name HCS as a beneficiary of all or the remaining value of your retirement asset and help solidify the future of HCS. Did you know that 50%-60% of your retirement assets may be taxed if you leave them to your heirs at your death? Another option is to leave your heirs assets that receive a step up in basis (such as real estate and stock) and give the retirement assets to HCS. As a charity, we are not taxed upon receiving an IRA or other retirement plan assets.
Gifts of Insurance. A gift of your life insurance policy is an excellent way to make a gift to HCS. If your life insurance policy is no longer needed or will no longer benefit your survivors consider making a gift of the policy to HCS. You can also designate HCS as a beneficiary of all or part of the value of the policy which would transfer upon the death of the named insured. Did you know that you can give your life insurance policy to HCS today and receive a charitable income tax deduction? If the policy is not paid up, you can then make income tax deductible contributions to us each year which we may use to pay the premiums. At the death of the named insured, the proceeds of the death benefit will pass on to HCS. There are many other giving strategies and planned giving techniques which may fit your estate planning goals, including Charitable Remainder and Annuity Trusts and possible gifts of Real Estate. Please contact the HCS Advancement Office for additional information or consult your tax advisor.
Donors may arrange for gifts to be made by businesses. In addition, many companies have established matching gifts programs to match or multiply donations made by active or retired employees and directors. Consult your company’s human resources department for information on their matching gifts program.
The value of your gift could double, perhaps even triple, in size if your current employer, or the current employer of your spouse, offers a matching gifts program. Businesses, companies, and corporations often match contributions to qualified non-profit organizations, e.g., HCS. Remember, many companies continue to match retiree's gifts, too. As you consider your own support for HCS, please contact your human resources department or visit your company’s web site for details. If your gift qualifies, please obtain a matching gift form from your employer and send the completed form to the Advancement Office with your donation.
A non-cash gift, also called gifts in-kind, are gifts of personal property and are accepted by HCS if they can be put to good use, if they serve a worthwhile purpose in the life of our school, or if they provide clear benefits to our school. As HCS is a non-profit organization, all gifts in-kind are tax deductible. We will ask you for detailed information regarding the gift. These details will then be used for tax purposes.
A donation in recognition of a friend or family member is a thoughtful contribution, and an appropriate way to recognize someone’s life and accomplishments.
Donations to HCS can be made over a period of up to three years through pledges. Donors are welcome to make payments in quarterly, semi-annual or annual installments, or by any other payment schedule desired.
Don’t sell, trade or store you vehicle…donate it to HCS and receive a tax deduction. It is simple and easy through "Vehicles for Charity." Just call 1-866-628-2277 or go online at Vehicles for Charity and they make all the arrangements and your car will be picked up within two to four business days. When you donate your vehicle through Vehicles for Charity, you can be assured your donation of a used car or truck will make a big difference in supporting HCS.
They accept cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, campers and more.
Free pickup…they will come to your house or office.
Get an income tax deduction. They provide the donation documentation that you need for your records.